Friday, April 24, 2009

lost of a friend

Posted by Ross |

sorry for the long disappearence all ..but just underwent minor surgery to take out my wisdom tooth ... arrrghhh its really painful ..and 2 days post surgery still living on full liquid diet..hopefully next week will improve ... can't do exercise either .... my weight static

Monday, April 20, 2009

16th Day WMP

Posted by Ross |

so far only lost 3 kg ..which is not too bad considering last week my diet plan burst as have to attend my cousin wedding ... went back to my hometown ... eats lots of my mom delicous food and then when to the wedding party for two days... no exercise far not feeling too miserable ..anyway 15 more to go ...

today going to the dreaded dentist teeth is in trouble and need to be yanked out ...aarrgghh really don't like going to the dentist but then again the aching pain so unbearable

till then adioss

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

PBL Workshop

Posted by Ross |

Just finished attending a PBL workshop by lecturers from Flinders Univ Austrralia

interesting workshop with quite a demanding brain craacking session .. but a good approach to teaching ...btw PBL stand for problem based learning ... and its not just case study alone.. we learn how to incorporate learning objectives into real case situation ... dividing the case to several disclosure and then let the group dynamic take over and the session will hopefully run on its own... anyway got news that some private colleges or institution has done it already but as usual IPTA is slowly catching up ...

definately will try this approach to spice my style of educating the students next session

Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 6 WMP

Posted by Ross |

good news ... lost 11/2kg

diet regimn :

3 meals per day only

extra effort to walk more often and longer times


Thursday, April 09, 2009

Day 4 WMP

Posted by Ross |

a bit frustrating as no changes in weight yet despite all the exercise ...maybe the body is trying to finish the glycogen stock first before the fat

morning eat nasi + sup ayam + teh O kurang manis, lunch nasi + veges + 1 pieces chicken + air kosong

5.30 will go jogging

dinner : probably fruits or wholemeal bread

Thursday, April 09, 2009

New Cabinet Line-UP

Posted by Ross |

congrats to TSM for being appointed as DPM and Education Minister ... the education system in dire need of somebody who can produce QUALITY results and based on his track record i'm pretty sure TSM can improve it...

Congrats also to Tok Pa, Rais Yatim, Khaled Nordin and Shafiee Apdal ... to Razali Ibrahim and Fuad Zarkashi as well ... Koh Tsu Koon also is a good inclusion...

the rest i think the same ... no comment about MCA and MIC line up as its the same as before

New Cabinet line-up:
Prime Minister and Finance Minister 1 - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Deputy PM and Education Minister - Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Finance Minister 2 - Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah
Ministers in PM dept - Datuk Seri Mohammed Nazri, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon and Rtd Brigadier General Datuk Jamil Khir Baharum
Transport - Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat
Science and Technology - Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili
Defence - Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Home - Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein
Rural and Regional Development - Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal
Housing and Local Government - Datuk Kong Cho Ha
Health - Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai
Tourism - Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen
Human Resources - Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam
Natural Resources and Environment - Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas
Women, Family and Community Development - Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
International Trade and Industry - Datuk Mustapa Mohamed
Higher Education - Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin
Information, Unity, Culture and Arts - Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim
Agriculture - Datuk Noh Omar
Works - Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
Domestic Trade - Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob
Sports - Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Foreign - Datuk Anifah Aman
Federal Territories - Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What should the Prime Minister do to get back people support:

Posted by Ross |

a. buy back PLUS, TNB and Water Company at current rate and then slashed the price to half ...then we can say all the subsidies or other perks are enjoyed by all the people not only some corporate goons ( who enjoyed very high amount of salary and bonus despite the company lossess) .. anyway this will have an effect in reducing the financial burden of small and medium industries and may improve their production and longetivity ...thus ensuring the economic situation is more stabil with the product price more controlled...

b. get rid of corrupted individuals in the government, be tough on ministry depts and give more power to MACC.. thus ensuring a cleaner and more transparent government

c. give scholarship based on income basis ... the higher the income the lesser the scholarship but more loans available if required...

d. elect younger cleaner visionary people as minister/deputy minister with various background such as doctors engineers lecturers educationist and put them in the ministry similar with the expertise ..only then they can work efficiently without talking rubbish

but is our PM brave enuf to do such changess...

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

BN lost 2 Bukit by-election

Posted by Ross |

disapointing although expected results ... as TSM said its too soon to see the effect of the new government but then again the same old strategy especially losing on the propaganda war mainly on the cyberspace area and also some tired old BN guard giving old rhetoric lead to the losing battle.. wake up people .... we need real change not just some cosmetic changes ..if ur not brave enuf to change according to people's needs then better prepare for the time when the people will change u .....

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

2nd day Weight Management Programme (Day 2 WMP)

Posted by Ross |

eat more than required last nite cos wife cooking is so good to resist even though its low salt and high fiber meals...need to control more myself especially at nite ... but dearest has bought lots of fruits so will get opportunity to control my appetite at nite later on good thing yesterday did lots of fast walk so will see what the changes in 2 days time

today start with fried rice and 2-3 piece of low salt gulai lemak squid... take some fruits for lunch and plan to walk more

....sweet and sour day ..

Monday, April 06, 2009

3 Bukit By-Election

Posted by Ross |

today is D-Day..

- for the new PM and its line-up to see wether the people still have the believe in them ...
- for the opposition to see wether the alliance is strong enough to face the tough times ahead

me .. hoping to see more practical and educated people got elected ..people who strongly believed in working for the people ... more doctors, engineers, lecturers got elected ..enuff with lawyers who mostly talk most of the time...

Monday, April 06, 2009

1st day Weight Management Program

Posted by Ross |

start early today cos have lectures in the morning... have soto nasi and air suam for breakfast... park my car a distance away and have to walk about 10 minutes to the lecture places and back... so far so good...

now 12am..feeling a bit hungry ..craving for some sweets/foods ...need to keep busy until 12.45 for my lunch ...


a. Keep a realistic target or goals
b. Keep a food record or diary
c. Its your diet so plan it according to your needs and requirement
d. Choose low calorie options
e. exercise

will elaborate details on the strategy later on

Monday, April 06, 2009

the SERIOUS stuff

Posted by Ross |

for the past 6 month i have been preparing myself for an experiment of weight management... just to see how it feels or what are the difficulties in trying to manage one weights...during that time i managed to fill myself with lots of the good stuff and lazying around ... so rite now i'm going to put myself into a weight management program with a target weight loss of 18kg in 6 month.. and this will start tomorrow and i'll make a diary of the food consumed as well as physical activities done ... i'm very motivated to really push myself to achieve this target as its important for my health and my professional work as well ...

will keep everyone posted about my progress....cheers

Monday, April 06, 2009

Night of Glam by the JPD students

Posted by Ross |

On saturday night the students from JPD UKM KL organized their annual dinner at the Ballroom of Palace of the Golden Horses Hotel. The theme that night was Night of Glamour and the official colours were red black and white. It was a really glam nite for the students as they came and wear their most glamorous outfit ( i spotted one guy with a zebra cowboy suit and he managed to win best costume awards). The event was really smooth and glamorous, the food were good , the mood was cheery and the students were having so much fun. Only the lecturers seems to be overwhelmed by the event.... maybe its the generation gap effects

congrats to the organizing committee (mostly 2nd year students) ... best wishes for the upcoming projects and lots of luck to the next committee ....

Friday, April 03, 2009

Gotong Royong di Kg Seri Mulia Gombak

Posted by Ross |

as part of requirement for community service course 60 ukm health campus kl students attended a gotong royong programme at Kg Seri Mulia Gombak. The students were excited (maybe :P) to join the programm and arrived at about 8.00am. The kg folks were already there to meet us. However no 'belia 4B' guys on sight. This was quite disappointing as its supposed to be a gotong royong for the village people and ukm students ... but it seems only the ukm students and the older generation were interested and commited. Anyway we started the gotong royong straight away after a nice breakfast (prepared by the villagers) and continued our task until noon. At least the objectives of the programme were achieved on our part.....

i accept the responsibilites to teach the community service course as i'm very much interested in working with the community and also helping the students to improve themselves especially in communicating with other people and racial intergration. Hopefully with this small contribution of mine the students would be able to be a better person in the future

Friday, April 03, 2009

Najib sworn in as sixth PM

Posted by Ross |

(pic taken from utusan malaysia)

Congrats to Datuk Seri Najib for the appointment as the 6th Prime Minister of Malaysia. He's been a very patience man so far ..waiting for his turn to come ... and now received the biggest responsibility as the Prime Minister of Malaysia in the era of economic meltdown.

My hope to him ..well let's just say at this time i'm just waiting to see wether there will be any positive development following his appointment. Frankly speaking so far i'm not expecting a lot from him as i have been dissapointed by the work of our previous PM. Based on the new PM background i dare not hope too much but i wish that he would be able to improve ( with the help of TS Muhyiddin) the situation of this country be it on the economic aspects and also on other areas such as human development, foreign workers, graduates unemployement, racial intergration, religous activies etc.. phew thats a lot even just to type it ... but hey if you really want the 'hot' seat you need to carry the heavy burden and responsibilites that comes with it as well...the ordinary people deserves better that the illtreatment given by some corrupt politician and so called corporate figures ...if they do not change or transform then probably they won't last long in the political arena ..

so all the best to you new Prime Minister ... u wont have 100 days honeymoon period as being received by other before you .. infact i don't think you will have any rest day at all ... however if you managed to do the best for the people i'm pretty sure people will work together with you to make a better future for the country


Friday, April 03, 2009

a new beginning

Posted by Ross |

salam to everyone,

phew... finally my new blog is ready (with some expert helps of course).... after spending so many hours reading other people blogs including my students ... i'm finally ready to embark on the world of blogging ...

this blog is dedicated to my family and friends and it will focus on few topics
a. diet and nutrition this is my area of expertise
b. current issuess ... i.e sports and politics as this is my area of interest
c. campus activities ..... as this where i work and i'm pretty involved with student programmes
...and lastly anything that comes into mind hehehe

so see you guys soon with my ramblings....


Thursday, April 02, 2009


Posted by Ross |

You can reach me here ....

Thursday, April 02, 2009

About FruityFlavour

Posted by Ross |

Who Am I?

me is an ordinary working guy married with 1 lovely lady and 2 beautiful angels

me likes to watch movies ..latest one being Upin dan Ipin (with the kids of course) and Slumdog M

me likes to play tennis badminton bowling volleyball ping pong etc .. hate jogging but somehow needs to do it to control the weight..

me likes to read Jeffery Archers', Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham and Micheal Chricton and not forgetting the academic stuff as well :)